Shan Siddiqi, MD Harvard Neuropsychiatrist and Kaizen Advisor

Dr. Siddiqi completed his residency at Washington University in St. Louis, a leading institute in functional brain imaging, where he collaborated with other imaging experts to develop novel methods for targeting TMS treatments. The group used functional MRI (fMRI) scans to create patient-specific maps of brain system architecture, which revealed significant variability between patients. This discovery is particularly important in treating patients with brain injury, who often have multiple disruptions in their brain architecture. The method proved to be extremely effective in a pilot placebo-controlled study of patients with TBI-associated depression. As a result, this preliminary work is now being scaled up for a larger multi-center study with the military.

After his work in St. Louis, Dr. Siddiqi moved on to Harvard Medical School to learn from experts in TMS and fMRI. Currently he works with world leaders in TMS at the Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation, further developing methods for individualizing TMS treatments.

Dr. Siddiqi’s innovations, many of which have patents and publications pending, led to the development of a startup company, SigNeuro LLC. Dr. Siddiqi learned about Kaizen Brain Center at the 2017 Clinical TMS Society conference and selected Kaizen as the best place to begin implementing the company’s technologies. SigNeuro now provides Kaizen with early access to their latest developments in personalizing TMS therapy, and Dr. Siddiqi consults with Kaizen specialists to plan treatment approaches based on an individual’s unique clinical history, symptom profile, and advanced functional brain imaging.


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